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Luculus, ice cream Salon!

Ľutujeme, táto stránka je dostupná len v Angličtina (Americká) a Hebrejčina.

The activity is suitable for: Groups, organizations, families with children, and groups of friends.

The best ice cream in Slovakia and Bratislava is undoubtedly the Luculus Ice Cream Salon!

The main store is on the main promenade in the old town of Bratislava, Hviezdoslavovo Nam. And we have 3 branches in the old town.


We are proud that Luculus has existed under family management since 1954, and today it is one of the 50 best ice cream parlors in the world!!!

We are constantly improving our recipes and making new flavors, emphasizing high-quality raw materials and only natural materials. We have a wide selection of more than 170 ice cream flavors, which change depending on the season.


Besides sorbet and milk ice cream, we also offer various vegan flavors made with plant-based and vegan ingredients to celebrate taste and health.

We specialize in ice cream sweetened with stevia, already an integral part of our menu. Stevia is a natural sweetener that also has a lower calorie content.


In addition, we love to make sorbet ice cream, and our secret is fruit, fruit, and more fruit to achieve a perfect and refreshing taste.

Another achievement we are proud of is a survey by BEST Travel magazine about the best ice cream in the world, where Luculus came in an amazing 18th place. This gives us great pleasure and motivates us to work even harder to become number 1.


In 2011, our employee Nadži set a Slovak record – 150 ice cream scoops in one cup. The record was set, and to this day, no one has managed to break it.

Without further ado, we have already said it all, and now we invite you to decide for yourself 🙂



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